API Based IP Rotation

An IP address is a unique numeric address assigned to you by your network or internet service provider (ISP). As long as you are on the internet or a local server, an IP address acts as an unique identifier for your device. IP addresses are unique, but not static. This means, when you’re using an IP address, over time and at regular intervals, your ISP will shuffle the IP addresses in their pool and randomly assign each to an active user. This process is called IP Rotation. IP Rotation is a regular and natural phenomenon and quite useful too for the following reasons –

  1. Provides users with anonymity and protects privacy.
  2. Helpful in specific use cases like web scraping where too many API calls from one IP address may lead to IP blocks.
  3. If you can rotate your IP, you may be able to navigate websites easily that otherwise have IP throttling or IP based limitations.

While you have no control over the automated IP rotation intervals of ISPs, proxy servers give you more freedom to rotate IPs as per your will and requirement. In this article, we will iterate how you can rotate IPs using API if you are a MountProxies subscriber.

How to Rotate IPs Using API

Method 1


Log in to www.mountproxies.com.


  • In the All My Proxies create the Manage button for the proxy you want to rotate.


  • In your proxy dashboard, scroll all the way down to the Rotate IP Now button. Below this button, you’ll find a unique URL.

proxy dashboard


  • Click the URL to initiate an IP rotation request.
  • Your IP will be rotated in ~10 seconds.

  • Head to your proxy dashboard again to find the new IP.

Head to your proxy dashboard again to find the new IP.

Method 2


  • Go to MountProxies API Docs
  • Under the proxy menu, select Rotate IP.
  • To rotate the IP successfully, you will need 3 things –
  • To find the modem key associated with the proxy you want to rotate, go to the All My Proxies page and click Manage. Scroll down to the Rotate IP Now button. Below this button, you’ll find a unique URL. Copy the URL text and replace the {modem_key} attribute with the copied text.


  • To find the API key associated with your account, go to the account settings page using Account. Copy the API Key and replace {api_key} it with the key you just copied.


  • Paste the complete URL in a browser.
  • Your IP will be rotated in ~10 seconds.
  • Head to your proxy dashboard again to find the new IP.