How to Set Up Proxies in Firefox and Chrome


Setting up your proxy is a simple process once you have access to some fundamental items upon buying a proxy subscription. This article will provide you with precise steps that you can come back to time and again for setting up your proxies.

In Firefox Browser

  1. Go to
    MountProxies HomePage
  2. Log in using your email address and password.
    MountProxies Login
    MountProxies Login
  3. Buy a proxy subscription (if you haven’t yet).
  4. Once you have an active subscription, click “Manage”.

  5. You will be redirected to a dashboard with all information relevant to your proxy listed. You can copy the username, password, IP, and port as required.
  6. Open your browser settings.
    Open your browser settings
  7. Click on “Settings” under the “Network Settings” category.
    Network Settings
  8. Select “Manual Proxy Configuration”.
    Manual Proxy Configuration

  9. Fill up the HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 fields with IP/Port configurations as required.
  10. Click “Ok” to save your settings.
  11. Open a new browser tab.
  12. You will be prompted to enter the username/password for that proxy.
  13. Enter the username/password (you’ll find this in your “Manage Proxy” page).
  14. You will now be able to use the proxy in your browser.


In Chrome Browser

  1. Go to
    MountProxies HomePage
  2. Log in using your email address and password.
    MountProxies Login
    MountProxies Login
  3. Buy a proxy subscription (if you haven’t yet).
  4. Once you have an active subscription, click “Manage”.

  5. You will be redirected to a dashboard with all information relevant to your proxy listed. You can copy the username, password, IP, and port as required.

  6. Now, go to the Chrome Web Store.
  7. Install a proxy setting extension of your choosing (In this guide, we used Proxy SwitchyOmega as an example) in your Chrome browser.
    Proxy SwitchyOmega
  8. After installation, select the option [System Proxy].
    Proxy SwitchyOmega

  9. Create a new proxy profile by adding a protocol (HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5), the server, and the port of your proxy product.
    Create a new proxy profile
    Create a new proxy profile
    Create a new proxy profile
  10. Once you’ve added all the details, click Apply Changes.
    Create a new proxy profile

  11. Open a new browser tab and click the proxy setting extension icon. You’ll find the proxy profile you created in the list. Select it to connect to the proxy.
    Create a new proxy profile

  12. You will be prompted to enter the username/password for that proxy.
  13. Enter the username/password (You’ll find this in your “Manage Proxy” page in your dashboard in
  14. You will now be able to use the proxy in your browser.

Please feel free to contact support if you have any concerns or questions. We will be happy to hear from you!