A Guide to Use of Mobile proxies for Web Scraping

Mobile proxies for Web Scraping

Mobile proxies for Web Scraping are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people turn to their smartphones and tablets for web browsing. Mobile proxies offer a number of advantages over traditional web proxies, including the ability to bypass geo-restrictions and access content that is normally blocked in your location. Mobile proxies are much more difficult to detect and block than traditional web proxies.

If you are looking to scrape websites for data, a mobile proxy is an excellent tool. With a mobile proxy, you can bypass any restrictions a website may have and access the data you need, so you can run your scraping operations without fear of being detected.

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping or web tracking is the process of data extraction from websites. Web scraping is done for a multitude of reasons, for instance, to stay updated about market trends, to keep an eye on competitors, for E-commerce price monitoring, lead generation, to understand customers’ needs and demands, to come up with an efficient marketing strategy based on the data collected so on and so forth.

Though web scraping can be done manually, it is neither efficient nor time-saving. Furthermore, for mass data scraping, automated software such as a robot or web crawler comes quite in handy. With scraping software in place, you can access the web and target the data you need directly through HTTP or your usual web browser. The data collected is then stored in a file on your computer for your use.

Hurdles in Web Scraping

Some websites do not like being scrapped, especially via scraping bots, since they tend to overwhelm them and take a toll on their performance. For this reason, websites put anti-scraping measures in place to prevent data miners from bombarding them with too many requests to access their data at a given period of time. They do that by:

  1. Limiting the number of requests a certain IP address can make
  2. By blocking an IP permanently for incessant requests to their website

This is where proxies for web scraping come into play. Both of the above-mentioned issues can be overcome with the help of mobile proxies.

Web Scraping Via Mobile Proxies

Since mobile proxies are rotative instead of static in nature and their IPs keep swapping among many real users, It becomes exceedingly hard for websites to block them as a single IP does not stick with one user for extended periods of time. Web scraping proxies, like any other proxy, act as a middleman between your device and the website you are trying to access, so all the requests are routed via the IP from the proxy instead of your real IP address. This functionality makes it look like the requests are made from a real mobile device/user, helping them fly under the radar and to continue web scraping efficiently.

Advantages of Using Mobile Proxies for Web Scraping

A few significant advantages of using mobile proxies for web scraping are as follows:

Avoid IP Blocking

Since the device is using an assigned IP from the mobile proxy, websites cannot detect or block your real IP address even if you surpass the request limit set by that website. The worst that can happen is that the assigned IP will be blocked, and you can overcome that by moving on to the next IP from the IP pool.

Bypass Request Limits

With mobile proxies put in place, the scraping bot routes its requests via several IPs giving the illusion that the requests are made through various devices. This feature not only gives you an extended request limit since you are not making all the requests from a single IP but also makes it hard for automatic bot blocking measures to flag or block the IPs as they have no reason to suspect these requests from a single user.

All in all, using MountProxies mobile proxies for web scraping is one of the best decisions you could make for a time-efficient, uninterrupted, and smooth web scraping process.